Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Flipping for Fluency - The Webinar!

I received word today from my friends at confirming the date, September 18th at 7EST, for a foreign language flipped class webinar. This is something I have been working on since the Flipped Class Conference in Chicago, and I am glad that it is coming together. Register here!

I know that there are many language teachers interested in (and already) flipping their classrooms. I have many ideas for things that I think would be great in the presentation, but I really want to hear from you about what you would like to see in the webinar. Please fill out the following form and let me know what your interests are so that I can best meet your expectations.

Thanks in advance!


  1. Very exciting! Looking forward to it!

    Hmmmm...I wasn't sure how to confirm the webinar survey.
    Class structure now: traditional (but I used a blended structure once with a split Spanish class)

    Current position: Teacher

    What I would like to see in the webinar:
    Lesson planning
    Classroom structure

    Thank you!

    1. Sorry you had trouble with the submit. I am looking into the issue ow. Thanks for submitting your information. Hope to "see" you on the 18th.

  2. Same here, don't know how to submit my survey. I am a teacher currently using traditional structure and would like to learn more about lesson planning, assessment and classroom structure.

    I teach French. Thanks Heather!


    1. Sorry you had trouble. I will hopefuly figure out what the issue is today. Thanks for giving me your information and I am looking forward to 9/18.

  3. I submitted the form and it seemed to work. I teach Latin and want to move to a flip-mastery with SBG this year...both excited and nervous about such big changes. Will there be a way to sign-up officially for the webinar?

    1. Yes, there will be, but it is not available just yet. I wanted to start getting the word out because I know how busy the beginning of the year is and I wanted everyone interested to be able to save the date. As soon as the sign-up is available, I will share the link!

      Also, although example lessons will be given in Spanish, it should be valuable for any language. (I already read your submission!)

  4. Survey is set up to require something in EVERY firled, including comments. So I juts put x in those so it would work. have fun!
